Transforming Schools into 21st-Century Learning Communities

Educational Innovation 360° is an Instructional Coaching System geared toward improving teaching practices in K-12 schools. Our professional development program integrates online collaboration and face-to-face mentoring from our Coaches to enhance teachers’ results in the classroom. Use the link below to get started.

Work with a dynamic group of teachers

Are you ready to embrace a student-centered approach that focuses on individualized learning and caters to the diverse needs of students.

Stay current on the latest coaching strategies and trends

Are you ready to move beyond a focus on basic literacy skills to a more holistic approach that includes critical thinking, problem-solving, and digital literacy.

Stay Connected to a Group of Leaders (Coming Soon)

Are you ready to shift from a top-down management approach to a collaborative leadership style that involves stakeholders in decision-making processes.

All The Tools You Need To Remain Successful in Education

Educators are successful in schools because they are continuously improving their learning and adapting to new teaching methods and technologies. Come and join our team so you can collaborate with your colleagues, and attend professional development workshops within the group.

All The Tools You Need To Build A better YOU!

In these groups we are working to build positive relationships with like-minded educators globally with one thing in mind, "Students."

We are a passionate group of Educators, who are dedicated to
ensuring the next generation will be able to thrive in the future.

Our approach to Coaching and Mentorship through our Mastermind

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Phase 1

Self-Assessment and Reflection

In the first stage of mentoring and coaching for educators, it is important to encourage self-assessment and reflection. Educators should take the time to evaluate their current skills, strengths, and areas for improvement. This stage involves introspection and self-awareness, allowing educators to identify their goals and aspirations for professional growth.


Phase 2

Professional Development Planning

Once educators have completed the self-assessment and reflection stage, they can move on to developing a professional development plan. This stage involves identifying specific strategies, resources, and opportunities that will support their growth as educators.


Phase 3

Implementation and Reflection

In the third stage, educators put their professional development plans into action and implement new strategies and approaches in their teaching practice. This stage involves experimentation, reflection, and continuous improvement.


Phase 4

Evaluation and Growth

In the final stage, educators evaluate the outcomes of their professional development efforts and plan for ongoing growth and improvement. This stage emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and adapting to evolving educational needs.a.

Join One of Our Memberships Today!

We want to make sure you are supported throughout the year a dynamic team that will guide you on this journey.

Teacher Membership



Top features Include

  • A Connected Community of Elementary Teachers

  • Monthly Training Modules to Support Innovative Lessons

  • Webinars that interview teachers who are transforming their districts.

  • Collaborative Coaching through problem-solving sessions

  • Diving into topics of classroom management, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and connecting to communities.

Literacy Coach Membership



Top features Include

  • A Connected Community of

  • Instructional Coaches

  • Monthly Training Modules to Support Innovative

  • Coaching Techniques

  • Webinars that interview

  • dynamic coaches

  • who are transforming their schools.

  • Collaborative Coaching through problem-solving sessions 1x per month

  • Diving into topics of

  • collaboration, working with a diverse staff, and gathering data in walkthroughs.

K12 Principal Membership



Top features Include

  • A Connected Community of Leaders

  • Monthly Training Modules to Support Leadership Growth

  • Webinars that interview Leaders in Innovative districts

  • Collaborative Coaching through problem-solving sessions

  • Diving into topics of security, diversity, and community involvement

@ Copyright 2023 Educational Innovation 360 All rights reserved